दिल्ली एनसिआर, 10 नभेम्बर

गोदान दिल्ली / कक्राझार, 26 फेब्रुवारी

गोदान दिल्ली, 19 मे

दिल्ली, 17 एप्रिल
दिल्ली रंजालि बैसागु फोर्बोखौ सानसेनि एनसिआर बर' थुनलाइ आफादनि बान्जायनायाव दुलाराय दिल्ली आरो एनसिआर हालमआव थानाय बर' सुबुंफोरा देग्लाय 2023 माइथायनि मेहेरगोनां हाबाफारिजों खुडो। थांनाय 16 एप्रिलखालि दिल्लीनि मालभिया नगर पुलिस कमप्लेक्स जथुमसालि न'ब्लाडाव सानसेनि मेहेर गोनां हाबाफारिजों गाजा-गोमजायै रंजाली बैसागु फोर्बोखौ खुडझे । रंजाली बैसागु फोर्बो फालिनाय हाबाफारिआव गाहाइ आलासि महरै बाहागो लायो आइपिएस हिबु तामाड ( जइन्ट कमिसनार सार, अफ पुलिस एन्ड नडाल अफि एसपिइउएनइआर) आ। माननि आलासि महरै बाहागो लायै फारियै- जे माइभिव', मेम्बार

गोदान दिल्ली / कक्राझार, 29 डिसेम्बर
दिल्ली बर' थुनलाइ आफादआ थांनाय 28 डिसेम्बर, 2022 अक्ट बुधबारखालि गोदान दिल्लीनि बड'लेन्ड भवन, द्वारका सेक्टर 18 / एआव मोनाबिलि समाव मोनसे हाबाफारि खुनायनि गेजेरजों आथिखालनि बर' राव, हारिमु आरो थुनलाइयाव बिहोमा होबोनानै बर' थुनलाइ गोजौसिन EAIT सोरजिनायखौ जांख्लायाव जायगा होगिरि, 'गां फुजानाय मासे दाउ' सुंद' सल' साहित्य अकाडेमि 2022 बान्था बिजाबनि थाखाय लाइमोन मोनगिरि अलंबार मुसाहारिखौ से खावसे बोसोरनि उन्दै हिन्जावसाया गोब्राब बेरामजों नाब जानानै दं फाहामथायनि थाखाय बिमा - बिफाया रांखान्थि अन्सुंथाइ हास्थायदों आर'नाइ आरो मान लाइ होनानै दुंब्रुदयै बरायदों । बे बरायनाय हाबाफारिखौ बेखेवनानै दिल्ली बर' थुनलाइ आफादनि आफादगिरि ड० निराला

The Bodo Sahitya Sabha Delhi NCR chapter and Indigenous Tribal Sahitya Sabha of Assam (ITSSA) jointly organized an interactive seminar on the implementation of Indigenous Tribal Languages in Assam's schools, following the pro- visions of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The seminar, held on July 23, took place at the Bodoland Bhawan in Delhi, where discussions revolved around preserving, promot- ing, and empowering these Tribal languages through their adoption as mediums of instruction in educational institutions. The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Prof. Nirala Ramchiary, the President of the Delhi NCR Bodo Sahitya Sabha. The gov- erning body members of ITSSA, along with repre- sentatives from various Sahitya Sabhas including Boro, Deori, Dimasa, Garo, Karbi, Mising, Rabha, and Tiwa, actively participat ed in the seminar, sharing insights on topics related to their respective languages. The participants pas sionately discussed the significance of incorpo- rating Indigenous Tribal Languages as mediums of instruction in schools to pre- serve and promote their cul tural heritage. They called upon the Assam government and the Central government to implement these languag es in various grades under the NEP-2020 provisions. The proposed levels for implementation are up to 12th class for Bodo and Garo, up to 8th class for Karbi, and up to 5th class for Deori, Dimasa, Mising. Rabha, and Tiwa languages. Dr. Pompi Basumatary. Assistant Professor at Christ University. Ghaziabad, delivered a presentation titled 'Keeping Bodo Language Alive Through Written Culture." Professor Ajith Kanna from Jawaharlal Nehru University presented on the topic "Authochthony and Quality of Belongings." shedding light on the empowerment and protec tion of tribal languages and cultures in India and abroad. Prominent figures present at the seminar included Govinda Taid, President of ITSSA, Kamala K. Mushahary, General Secretary of ITSSA, Dr. Mahanta Kumar Langthasa Vice President of ITSSA, and former Vice President of Dimasa Sahitya Sabha, among others. The seminar aimed to raise awareness about the rich linguistic diversity in Assam and advocated for measures to preserve these languages through their integration into the education system. The participants emphasized that promoting Indigenous Tribal Languages in schools would not only help retain cultural identities but also empower future generations to embrace and cherish their heritage.

कक्राझार / गोदान दिल्ली, 2 सेप्टेम्बर
थांनाय 30 आगस्ट, 2023 खालारखालि दिल्ली एन सि आर बर' थुनलाइ आफादआ दिल्लीनि बड'लेन्ड भवनआव साहित्य एकाडेमि बान्था